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Fill out the form below, We will get back to you as soon as possible

1. TIN (Tax Account Number), use the field "SSN" to update your TIN

2. Bill Street2 and Ship Street2, indicate the Barangay Number/Name.

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NOTE: Official hand-outs of Youngevity Philippines, for compliance purposes, do not tamper nor change wordings or images

Reminder:Retail Price is for Youngevity registered distributor's reference only

tom & denice story

tom & denice story

“We believe that this is the greatest company on the planet. Doctor Wallach’s message and his products are timeless, and the Youngevity compensation plan is the best.” – Tom and Denice Chenault

“When Tom and Denice Chenault discovered Youngevity, they knew they had found an opportunity that had to be shared. After years of searching, they had finally found a company that embodied their passion for investing in other people’s lives. “The key is loving and serving people,” Tom says. “You fire your head and hire your heart!”

“The Chenault’s found great meaning and satisfaction in building their Youngevity business and also achieved the lifestyle of their dreams. Not only did they put their three children through college with no student loans, they now make the most of their empty nest, enjoying the time and means to travel the country training Youngevity distributors. Through the years, they have remained committed to the ideal of shared success, always taking the time to bring others up the ladder with them. That genuine interest and concern for others is what makes the difference when sharing the Youngevity opportunity, Tom says. “If people sense that is your agenda, they will do business with you,” he adds. “If you make their dreams your mission, rather than vice versa, everything gets easier.”

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Prepayment Agreement

The purchaser voluntarily initiates the PRE-ORDER with full understanding that product delivery is subject to availability but no more that 90 days from date of PRE-ORDER. Therefore, Youngevity Philippines shall fulfill and deliver the products or or before the 90-day commitment

The purchaser, agrees that this act of prepayment is voluntary and of his/her own free will. The purchaser also agrees to release Youngevity Philippines and its employees and its agents from any liability as a result of this PRE-ORDER arrangement.

Prepayment Agreement By:


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